+351 219 835 555 info@jose-saramago.com


Loures, 24th of March, 2020

Esteemed Partners,

Considering the context related to the Covid-19 pandemic,

Considering that the health of all of us is our main concern.

Whereas we are focused on complying with a strict contingency plan based on World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.

And, of course, as a response to the public health emergency that our country faces, and in order to optimize all efforts to ensure the safety of our Employees and Partners, we disclose that:

Safety, Convenience of our Partners and Safety of our Employees

We understand that some of our Partners cannot and/or are reluctant to visit us at this time. Thus, and since March 12th, we have been working using telework, i.e.:

  • Remote assistance through our usual e-mail and telephone contacts, as well as the use of Video Conference.

As a responsible employer, we have an obligation to protect the health and well-being of our Employees. With this in mind, we ask all our Partners who have recently returned from affected areas or who are in quarantine, not to go to our space, to inform us by phone and within our possibilities we will provide the requested assistance.

We remain attentive to your requests and suggestions to ensure a better level of service, so, if you detect any failure, I ask you to disclose it to us right away.

José Saramago & Associados will continue to closely monitor the developments of this whole situation, strictly following all the recommendations of the General Health Directorate in order to protect our Employees and Partners.

We remain available for whatever you need and we will continue to work to get through this moment together.


José Saramago

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